Get Sweaty with your Sweetie!
Grab a romantic partner, family member, friend, or workout buddy and share our February promo - two Warm Welcome packages for $60 total!
Have you been thinking about getting into yoga or exercise again but you're not sure where to start? Invite a friend to join you! Taking classes with a buddy is a great way to boost your motivation, increase your comfort level, and help yourself stay on track.
For the month of February, you can buy TWO of our Warm Welcome Packages for just $60 total. (Normally price is $59 for one!) The Warm Welcome gives you unlimited access to all regular classes at Rhode Island Hot Yoga for ONE MONTH (staring from the date of your first visit.) We offer a full schedule of hot yoga, non-heated yoga, and heated fitness classes at our two locations in Bristol and Providence.
You do NOT need to attend class at the same time as your buddy, but you do need to activate your passes within 30 days of each other. Purchase your 2-for-1 pass using the link below, and then see your email receipt for instructions on transferring the 2nd pass to your friend!
This offer is for NEW CUSTOMERS ONLY. Limit *ONE* package per customer!
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Grab a yoga mat, towel, & water
Please bring your own yoga mat if possible! We also have mats available to rent or buy. We recommend bringing a large towel that you can place over your yoga mat. Bring plenty of water!
Be ready to sweat.
Wear lightweight clothes that let you move and stretch and come to class fully hydrated. We recommend that you avoid any heavy meals for 2-3 hours before class.
Have a good time!
Don't worry about doing everything perfectly on your first day! We love meeting new students and we all remember our first day. Breathe, have fun, and come back again tomorrow!