Our Teachers

Our friendly teachers will make you feel at home in our studio from day one! Everyone here is passionate about their work and excited to share their knowledge with you. Whether you're brand new to yoga and exercise or you've been practicing for years, our skilled teachers will help you get what you need out of the class.

Click on the photo to learn more about your favorite teacher!

Juliana Olmstead | Studio Owner | Original Hot Yoga | Yin Yoga

Luca Procaccianti | Sales & Office Manager

core fire conditioning teacher

Gianna Auger | Events & Marketing | Lead Core Fire Teacher

Jess Patricio | Bristol Studio Manager | Core Fire Conditioning | Power Yoga

original hot yoga teacher

Allison Estes | Original Hot Yoga

Bri Pelletier | Core Fire Conditioning

Britney Carroll | Slow Burn | Yin Yoga

yin yoga teacher

Charlene Pratt | Yin Yoga | Hot Yoga Mixtape

Emma Ferguson | Core Fire Conditioning

Ged Carbone | Original Hot Yoga

Gretchen Hawkins | Original Hot Yoga

core fire conditioning teacher

Honore Ford | Core Fire Conditioning | Yin Yoga | Yoga for Hips & Back

Jordan Borge | Core Fire Conditioning

Julie Alfano| Core Fire Conditioning

yoga teacher

Kathleen Seagriff-Chapman | Yoga for Hips & Back

 original hot yoga teacher

Kelly McCullough | Original Hot Yoga | Intermediate Series

core fire conditioning teacher

Mandy Dion | Core Fire Conditioning

Meg Morkeski | Original Hot Yoga

Michelle Fager | Core Fire Conditioning

Precious Kafo | Core Fire Conditioning

core fire conditioning teacher

Rebecca Henriquez | Core Fire Conditioning

Shirley Killian | Original Hot Yoga

Steph Barta | Original Hot Yoga Lead Teacher

original hot yoga teacher

Sunny Shattuck | Original Hot Yoga

Tisha Causeway | Core Fire Conditioning

core fire conditioning teacher

Zac Bonhoff | Core Fire Conditioning


Abby | Studio Dog, Lifetime Position

Our Wellness Team

Our Licensed Massage Therapists and Reflexologist all bring years of experience to the table! Each of them will put you at ease and create a treatment plan to suit your individual needs.

Click on the photo to learn more about your wellness center practitioner

massage therapist

Brien Lang

Massage Therapy

massage therapist

Charis Russell

Massage Therapy

massage therapist

Coreen Crogan

Massage Therapy

Dennis Braga

Massage Therapy

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