Rhode Island Hot Yoga Blog

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Pranayama and Prozac: How Original Hot Yoga Reduces my Anxiety Symptoms

I’ve suffered from debilitating anxiety and panic attacks since I was 6; three decades ago, when mental healthcare wasn’t what it is today, when the stigmas were strong, and I was considered a worry wort ...

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From Killa Beez to Locked Knees: My Journey from 90s Hip Hop to Original Hot Yoga

I’ve been a peace-loving hippie since childhood, always preferring a calm and quiet environment, so it’s ironic that I shied away from the yoga community for as long as I did. My confidence had been ...

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The Pandemic, One Year Later

For us, March 15th will always be our “pandemic anniversary.” That was the last day that we held classes before we shut down the heat and closed the doors indefinitely. We made the decision to ...

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March Madness Buddy Challenge

Most people sign up for yoga membership with the BEST intentions, but then life gets in the way! You get stuck late at work, your kids are home sick, there's a great movie on TV, ...

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groundhog day

Groundhog Day

I love teaching yoga in February, because February has the best yoga holiday. Nope, I don’t mean Valentine’s Day (even though yoga IS all about love.) I’m talking about Groundhog Day! A few years ago ...

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costa rica yoga e1720035773722

Pranayama and Prozac: How Original Hot Yoga Reduces my Anxiety Symptoms

I’ve suffered from debilitating anxiety and panic attacks since I was 6; three decades ago, when mental healthcare wasn’t what it is today, when the stigmas were strong, and I was considered a worry wort ...

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From Killa Beez to Locked Knees: My Journey from 90s Hip Hop to Original Hot Yoga

I’ve been a peace-loving hippie since childhood, always preferring a calm and quiet environment, so it’s ironic that I shied away from the yoga community for as long as I did. My confidence had been ...

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The Pandemic, One Year Later

For us, March 15th will always be our “pandemic anniversary.” That was the last day that we held classes before we shut down the heat and closed the doors indefinitely. We made the decision to ...

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March Madness Buddy Challenge

Most people sign up for yoga membership with the BEST intentions, but then life gets in the way! You get stuck late at work, your kids are home sick, there's a great movie on TV, ...

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groundhog day

Groundhog Day

I love teaching yoga in February, because February has the best yoga holiday. Nope, I don’t mean Valentine’s Day (even though yoga IS all about love.) I’m talking about Groundhog Day! A few years ago ...

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